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Recap of the 2023 Legislative Session

Mike Derby

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

The 2023 South Dakota Legislative Session was a busy and productive time. Here are some fun highlights.

I enjoyed the tour of the Sanford Underground Research Facility before the legislative session began.

Carmen and I attended Governor Kristi Noem's Inaugural Ball on January 7, 2023.

A full calendar of events kept South Dakota legislators busy.

The flowers were from my beautiful wife, Carmen.

We celebrated the 75th Anniversary of Crazy Horse.

Jean Hunhoff, State Senator from Yankton's District 18, is shown with the SDSU Jackrabbit Football team's national championship trophy.

I had the honor of sponsoring Quinn Alt (center) as a page during this Legislative Session.

There's a new Leader in the House–Augie Mortenson, son of House Leader Will Mortenson.

The House celebrated the 70-0 vote to give South Dakota its largest tax cut in state history.


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