RAPID CITY, SD – Join us for a Property Tax Forum on April 20, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the South Dakota School of Mines, moderated by Elevate Rapid City. The panel of local leaders and legislators will discuss the increasing property tax valuations and subsequent tax increases. The purpose of this forum is to look at viable solutions to our skyrocketing property taxes and discuss the current property tax system and the challenges faced by property owners. The objective is to look at alternative tax models and to get input and perspective from the local and private sectors. Discussion points and a recap of the forum will be submitted to the Legislative Executive Board for input into the Interim Property Tax Study approved for this summer. This forum is free and open to the public. For your safety, the Elevate Rapid City Code of Conduct protocols will be in place.
See the flyer below for more information about the upcoming property tax reform meeting.
